Monday, 11 July 2016

What questions would you ask Dynamic Duo's owners?

One of the primary questions that I would ask Dynamic Duo's owners is if all of their personnel were trained in respect to following OSHA guidelines in the performance of their job duties.

Secondly, I would ask Dynamic Duo's owners if they have OSHA guidelines and safety requirements posted throughout the facility so that employees can quickly refer to these guidelines on a daily basis. I would also ask Dynamic Duo's owners if OSHA guidelines are included in their standard operating procedures manuals, as well as their training manuals, for utilization by their staff members.

I’d ask the owners of Dynamic Duo if they were given the abatement time, since OSHA normally grant some time period right after the surprise visit of Compliance Officer. Officer nominates the violations of OSHA standards and gives abatement time to cover such violations within given time period.

I’d also ask if they provided the safe workplace to their employees. Since it’s the responsibility of the employer to provide a workplace that is safe from serious hazards and safe for employees’ health.

Another question would be, if they have informed their workers about serious hazards through different methodologies, since it’s the responsibility of the employers to train their employees in this regard.

Another important question would be if they have tagged the dangerous workplaces and/or equipment after the visit and citations of the compliance officer? Since, it’s the responsibility of the employer to tag dangerous workplaces and/or equipment that could cause serious hazards.