following is partial information related to Stanley Ltd.’s non-pension,
post-retirement benefit plan at December 31, 2011:
post-retirement benefit obligation, accounting basis ……………$190,000
post-retirement benefit obligation, funding basis ……………... 160,000
assets (at fair value) ………………………………………………… 130,000
service cost arising in current year …………………………………. 12,000
liability arising in current year …………………………….. 20,000
expenses of $1,000 and $3,000 were incurred in the year related to the past
service costs and transitional liability, respectively.
Prepare a schedule reconciling the funded status with the asset/liability
reported on the balance sheet at December 31, 2011, assuming that Stanley Ltd.
applies the deferral and amortization approach.
Prepare a schedule reconciling the funded status with the asset/liability
reported on the balance sheet at December 31, 2011, assuming that Stanley Ltd.
applies the immediate recognition approach.
(a) Accrued post-retirement benefit obligation
(Credit) $(190,000)
Plan assets at fair value (Debit) 130,000
Funded status (Credit) (60,000 )
Unrecognized past service cost (Debit) * ( 11,000
Unrecognized transition amount (Debit) ** 17,000
Accrued post-retirement benefit liability
(Credit) $
(32,000 )
* $12,000 – $1,000 (amortization)
** $20,000 – $3,000 (amortization)
Accrued post-retirement benefit obligation
(Credit) $(160,000)
Plan assets at fair value (Debit) 130,000
Funded status (Credit) $ (30,000 )