Thursday, 21 July 2016

Laurin Corporation offers parental benefits to its staff as

Laurin Corporation offers parental benefits to its staff as a top-up on employment insurance so that employees end up receiving 100% of their salary for 12 months of parental leave. Ruzbeh Awad, who earns $74,000 per year, announced that he will be taking parental leave for a period of four months starting on December 1, 2011. Assume that the Employment Insurance program pays him a maximum of $720 per week for the four months. Prepare all entries that Laurin Corporation must make during its 2011 fiscal year related to the parental benefits plan as it applies to Ruzbeh Awad.

December 1, 2011:
Employee Benefit Expense*...............     

     Parental Leave Benefits Payable....      EI Premiums Payable (920 X 1.4)....


* Salary for 4 months ($74,000 X 4/12)
Less: employment insurance

               payments ($720/week X 17 weeks)
Employee Benefit Expense

For each of the 4 weeks in December, 2011, Laurin Corporation will pay Ruzbeh Awad a top up amount and record the payments as follows:

Parental Leave Benefits Payable.........     

     Cash...............................      EI Premiums Payable (920 X 1.4)....

($74,000 ÷ 52 weeks) = $1,423.08 – $720.00 = $703.08